Media Relations • thought leadership • event strategy

The new language of carbon

After working with William McDonough for over a decade, the team at Blue Practice are specialists in communicating the father of the Circular Economy’s language, messaging, and industry leading goals. Alongside Bill, we debuted his New Language of Carbon thought leadership campaign, which emphasizes that carbon is not our enemy in the work to mitigate our rapidly accelerating changing climate, but instead, advocating that in the right place, carbon is a resource and tool. Bill McDonough and our team relied on and emphasized the power of language, and used the new language of carbon as a driving force for behavioral change. This campaign, with our targeted media outreach, caught the eye of a number of reputable media sources, landing stories and interviews in Fast Company, Sustainable Brands, and Scientific American.

Bill is also the  co-author of Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things and The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability—Designing for Abundance. McDonough’s career is focused on creating a beneficial footprint. He espouses a message that we can design materials, systems, companies, products, buildings, and communities that continuously improve over time, which is the common theme of his writings.

What we did

William McDonough has put his trust in Blue Practice to advocate for his cherished brand. As an established leader well before we came on the scene, we manage media and communications for his many enterprises. His first book, Cradle to Cradle is the textbook on sustainability at university and college programs worldwide.

As part of our ongoing support for his work, we launched his most recent book “The Upcycle” and secured national publicity for the book and its themes.